Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie ICT
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 7
+49 721 4640-0
The Polymer Engineering Department at the Fraunhofer ICT plays an important role in the application-oriented development of polymer components. Together with partners and customers, our researchers develop novel combined processing steps and continually expand the application profiles of modern polymer materials. Through long-standing collaboration with industrial companies and public funding bodies we have gained the necessary knowledge and experience to offer individual and specific solutions to our customers. Due to the close collaboration of the ICT's individual departments, complex tasks can be considered holistically and optimized to system solutions. Working for and with an international network of partners and customers, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft carries out applied research that drives economic developments and serves the wider benefit of society. The Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT is one of the 66 institutes that currently make up the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Beside contractual research for industry, the Fraunhofer ICT also works together with commercial enterprises in research projects co-funded by the German government and the European Union.